Unlock Your Doors to Abundance and Prosperity!

Discover the power to transform those limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. Imagine unlocking a mindset of abundance, where opportunities potentially flow effortlessly into your life.

  • Session-based Learning

    Structured curriculum divided into 8 interactive sessions

  • Interactive Exercises

    Engaging activities to help you connect deep into the core of your beliefs, patterns & traumas related to money. By addressing and resolving these financial traumas, you potentially pave the way for a healthy and empowering connection with money.

  • Online Access

    Access to course materials at your own convenience

Course curriculum

    1. Part 1: Identifying the KInd of Money Blueprint and Energy You Are Creating

    2. Part 2: Identifying the Predominant Emotions that You Feel Towards Creating Wealth

    3. Part 3: Process of Awareness on the Predominant Emotions Relating to Achieving Wealth!

    1. Part 1: Your MONEY MATRIX

    2. Part 2: Process of Awareness for your Money Blueprint Relating to your Parents

    1. Part 1: Getting In-Tune with Your Financial Roots

    2. Part 2: Process of Awareness on the Ancestors' Money Blueprint

    1. Part 1: Purpose of being rich and happy, financially free and wealthy!

    2. Part 2: Process of Awareness on how you feel about money and your relationship with money and wealth!

    1. Part 1: The Money Management System

    2. Part 2: Process of Awareness on the Money Management System

    1. Part 1: Identify the Emotions Associated with the Financial Freedom Account

    2. Part 2: Process of Awareness on Leverage and Financial Freedom Account Jar

About this course

  • $2,568.00
  • 17 lessons
  • 30.5 hours of video content

Transform Your Money Blueprint!

Money Miracles is an 8-session online training programme designed to help you unlock the doors to abundance and prosperity. Through a combination of guided exercises, interactive lessons, and practical techniques, you will embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery of financial reality!