How Creating Your Miracles Empower You To Have Fulfilling Relationships With Your Loved Ones

What Would Your Life Look Like If Nothing Held You Back?

Break Free From Your Past and
Have It All with the 



See What Others Have Said About Their Experience!

"This virtual course has changed my relationship with my hubby around. I am now a better version of myself and loving it. "

Evelyn Teo, Recruiter, Melbourne

"MiracleLife is highly recommended ... I learnt how to deal with my own shadows and take responsibility for my actions and attitude. How I do anything is how I do everything. My manager at work said I am more positive now and she can see my personality shine through. I have done heaps of Act of Love and feeling good. The more positive energy we pour out there, the more it returns! Everyone please help to send positive and healing energy to my friend Vernon! This course has changed my relationship with hubby around. It all begins with me. I need to make myself vulnerable so I can receive. I am now a better version of myself and loving it. Many other positive things have happened in my life too! All within a short 2 to 3 weeks. I truly believe that everyone should experience MiracleLife for themselves and see what life can bring! Thank you MiracleLife.

"I'm constantly updated with new methodology or new sharing through the educational learning platform."

JJ Wong, Associate Group Director, Navis Living Group (OrangeTee)

"The series of initiatives by MiracleLife is amazing to add massive values to its participants. Not only the members are able to revise whenever they wish to, they can be constantly updated with new methodology or new sharing through the educational learning platform. In short, it is a gift from MiracleLife to enable its students to have lifelong learning with them. 活到老,学到老!"

"Everyone said they are happier now as I changed the way I approach and do things! "

Cherbelle Choy, Tele-sales Head

"I practice what was being taught in the virtual training and I had a breakthrough in the relationship with a co worker. I was trying to improve our relationship for the last few years but to no avail. We now work together cohesively. That was one of the many miracles I created after the virtual training. Everyone said they are happier now as I changed the way I approach and do things! The training is definitely value for money and I would definitely recommend anyone to go for it!"

Introducing Creating Your Miracles 2.0

Creating Your Miracles 2.0 is a series of online intensive training, where you will be taken from A to Z on how to create the abilities and the habits of creating your money miracles,  relationships miracles and your health miracles.

You will be taken step by step, in detail through the MIRACLE Method. You will discover how to form a solid foundation to create more miracles and experience drive and discipline to make things happen in all areas of your life and create results. You will learn to become more at ease and live your best, truest life.

This is the exact same process Miranda went through to turn her life around and transform the lives of thousands of people.

Here’s What You’ll Discover in Creating Your Miracles 2.0

  • Learn the formula to enable permanent breakthroughs in all areas of your life

  • Experience more love, passion and happiness in work and relationships

  • Identify the mindsets that are causing you challenges in creating the successes you crave for in different areas of your life

  • Rapidly rewire your subconscious mind so you can BREAK FREE from your past faster

  • Develop supreme self-awareness of your habits and behaviours and clear the ones that are no longer serving you

  • Power Processes you can use every day to shift yourself from procrastination to immediate action

Here Is How Creating Your Miracles (CYM) 2.0 Series Works For You:

CYM 4.5-Day Live In-Person Experiential Training (SGD$5,995 Value)

Experiential Processes that Transform you at a Cellular Level that Produce Permanent Lasting Results!

You can continue to strengthen the Miracle Habits that become Part of YOU! UPLEVEL your freedom, fulfilment, money, love, intimacy, passion, energy, vitality, health, heart to heart connection, love what you do and do what you love!

Next Intake for CYM Live In-Person 4.5-Day Experiential Training

Conducted in Singapore

  • 17 - 20 Oct (4 Days) & 26 Oct 2024 (0.5 Day)

  • 27 Feb - 2 Mar (4 Days) & 8 Mar 2025 (0.5 Day)

Here are the other 3 components in the CYM 2.0 Series that you will receive with 1-year access

If You Take Action To Enroll Yourself Today!

  • CYM 2.0 Virtual Training Intensive (SGD$3,995 Value)

    You will get access to our steps and strategies that have been specifically designed to take your business and life to a new level. Discover the activities and processes that will help you unblock your damaging emotions so you can transit from fear to freedom day in, day out and stop the pain and unhappy results.

  • Monthly Virtual Group Coaching (while it lasts) (SGD$8,288 Value)

    Form New Habits to Acquire Successes you Want through coaching to implement, follow the instruction, take action and make things happen faster and easier!

  • Chamber of CYM Secrets (SGD$1,195 Value)

    Access to all the signature CYM content, activities and processes in the forms of audios and videos. Play Miranda’s audio or video and be processed by her!

Get Creating Your Miracles 2.0 NOW and Get 3 Components of the series!

Total Value: SGD$19,473

Get Started Today!

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