How Abundant Influence Mastery is a set of skills, if not taught to the world, could be DANGEROUS!

Winning the Influencing Game In All Areas Of Your Life!

Imagine Being Able To Build Heart-To-Heart Successful Relationships And To Influence & Inspire Others To Your Intended Outcomes That Add Value To Both You And The Other Party ...

See What Our Heart-Influencers Are Saying

Sales jumped even during the lull period to 80 – 90%!

Law Shu Li, Wellness Advocate, DoTERRA

“Before Abundant Influence Mastery, business has been growing consistently but lack the quantum leap. It was about 50 – 60% closing ratio. Applying AIM techniques, within a month, leads came in instead of sourcing for them."

There’s no way anyone cannot sell after this!

Andy Seng, Financial Consultant

This is the most useful course I attended for sales tips! Not only does it teach you the technique, it teaches the psychological aspect as well. There’s no way anyone cannot sell after this! I wish I’ve learned this way before!

my communication skills in work as well as personal relationship on a much deeper level coming from heart!

Chey Wan, Interior Designer

I loved Abundant Influence Mastery because the workshop offered is transformational! It helps me to improve on my communication skills in work as well as personal relationship on a much deeper level coming from heart!

Introducing Abundant Influence Mastery 2.0

Abundant Influence Mastery 2.0 is a programme series where you will be hand-held by Miranda step-by-step in detail from ZERO to HERO in the abilities to influence people without the person feeling that you are influencing them. 

Most of the time, people do not like to be TOLD WHAT TO DO! People love to be LEAD!

You will be taken step-by-step in creating the language of impact to trigger high powerful emotions, creating people’s desire to take on your  suggestions and to own the ideas you are offering. They would love to say “Yes” to you even right there and then!

In this way, you are able to deepen your relationships with others, and experience more intimacy, heart to heart connection, passion & inspiration with each other!

This is the exact same influencing tools and techniques that Miranda use up till today to ACCELERATE her personal and business relationships! 

These tools and techniques do not require talent to implement and they are transferable and duplicable, so that you can start INFLUENCING FROM YOUR HEART AND PROSPERITY COMES!

Here’s What You’ll Discover in Abundant Influence Mastery 2.0

  • Lower the other party’s resistance towards your ideas

  • Influence without the person feeling you are influencing him/her

  • Lead the person instead of telling the person what to do

  • Master the language of impact to trigger high powerful emotions, creating people’s desire to take on your suggestions and to own the ideas you are offering. They would love to say “Yes” to you even right there and then

  • Deepen your relationships so you can experience more intimacy, heart to heart connection, passion & inspiration with each other

  • Break your fear of meeting new people/new prospects

  • Reduce conflicts, agony and depressing aching moments

  • How to deepen the “Yes” and surface the “No”

  • Turn people’s concerns into commitment

  • Communicate in a way that both parties feel valued

Here Is How Abundant Influence Mastery (AIM) 2.0 Series Works For You:

AIM 2.0 Virtual Training Intensive (SGD$6,995 Value)

>> Proven and Sustainable Processes to OPEN people's hearts, INFLUENCE people to say "YES" to you easily, and PRESERVE relationships that matter to you!

AIM 2.0 Live In-Person 5-Day Experiential Training (SGD$8,995 Value)

Transform your life with leading-edge, powerful and immersive experiences that helps you to master the ability to influence and inspire; and build heart-to-heart relationships.

Here is the MIRACLE Bonus That You'll Be Getting For Free ...

If You Take Action To Enroll Yourself Today!

>> Unique & Powerful clearing and healing processes to start your day with POWER and INSPIRATION, and programming you with positivity so that you can sleep much better

 >> How to receive positivity much more easily, to be genuinely grateful for whatever you have and start to be the REAL YOU without feeling limited.

Get Abundant Influence Mastery 2.0 NOW and Get MIRACLE Bonus for FREE!

Total Value: SGD$15,990

Get Started Today!

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